Thursday, September 10, 2009


Harrison's new favorite movie is babe. Surely you all remember the one about the talking pig? He calls it the "kig movie" and I always have trouble figuring out what he is saying. I don't really understand his obsession with this movie but he loves it. Its better than watching spongebob I guess. We actually are trying to wean him off that cartoon. One of the trials of having such a gap in age between the kids is that Chloe is into things that Harrison just isn't old enough to partake in. One such thing is the choice of television programs. I was very careful once Chloe started watching T.V. to monitor everything she watched and for the most part, she only watched VeggieTales and PBS. I did not allow anything having to do with magic or anything violent. I still don't allow her to watch PG13 movies unless I have seen them and okayed them. I have relaxed a bit on the shows I let her watch now that she knows what is real and what is fake.

The problem I have run into is that Harrison is usually in the living room while she is watching her shows. I don't want her to have to go to her room just to watch television but I can't just ban Harrison from the living room either. What generally happens is that he ends up watching the shows with Chloe and now we have to face the fact that he loves Spongebob,Hannah Montana & icarly. Now I don't really have a problem with these shows but I don't know if it is good for Harrison to watch them. Is it hurting him at all? I know he picks up on things quite easily so if he is going to watch t.v. wouldn't his time be better spent watching something educational? Monty and I have just recently realised that we need to be aware of what we watch while Harrison is in the room. I know that I am not going to watch Greys Anatomy with Chloe in the room because the content is too mature for her but I didn't give a second thought to Harrison being in the room. After all,I thought, he is just a little guy and has no clue what is happening. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I read somewhere the other day that children even as young as Harrison who are exposed to adult programming(im not talking x-rated! just fighting,violence,sexual innuendo,yelling,etc.)grow up with a different perception as to what is acceptable. They almost become desensitized to it. They may not be watching everything that happens but as they are sitting in the floor playing with cars, they hear it all. Soooo, we have tried to remember that and hope to be more aware of the background noise.
Any thoughts on this bloggers? Anyone have any experience with this or advice they want to share?
I am open to suggestions!


  1. Ugh, I am sooo guilty of letting my little one watch my shows. Mostly HGTV, Today Show, and So You Think You Can Dance... most of my 'junk' TV watching happens while he's asleep... but still. I feel about letting him watch TV period.

  2. Popping in from MBC!
    I'm trying to follow you but, I can't for some reason... Any thoughts?

  3. I'm not sure Jael. I haven't heard about any problems but I am new to this and really have no clue what Im doing! What does it say when you try to follow?
