Thursday, November 19, 2009


So I am pregnant! Hooray! And I can't seem to do anything but throw up. All day. Every day. Its all I can do to make sure my 2 year old is fed and changed. I'm guessing God allows us to forget all the misery that comes with the joys of pregnancy so we will actually do it again. I really,truly don't remember it being this bad. I am 6 weeks along and am praying that the good times come here pretty soon. So for the time being, I will probably be MIA. Anybody have any good home remedies for the nausea/vomiting? I would greatly appreciate it! In case I'm not back before, Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Congratulations!! and I'm sorry for all the sickness.... hope it goes away soon :)

  2. Congratulations! How exciting. I hope you start feeling better soon.

    Thanks for visiting my blog awhile back. I like yours, am now following and looking forward to reading more.

  3. Congrats. I have a 2 year old and 2 month old! I'm popping over from mommy Bloggers Club. I am now following. Come check my blog out sometime.

  4. congratulations!

    many blessings to you..

    why do you have 2 google friend connect?

    following via MBC..hope you will follow google friend connect is at the bottom of my blog.

  5. Congrats, hope you are feeling better now you are further along.

    I am now following your blog from MBC. I hope you follow mine too!

